A group of trainees and professional crews stow the main upper top mast sail of the Barque Picton Castle. The square rigged ship sails in the Tall Ships Festival held in the Great Lakes region of North America.
Bluewater Car Host Director John Dabelstein coordinates with volunteers as the Pere Marquette 1225 steam locomotive lumbers into the boarding area in Kawkawlin, Michigan. The Bluewater Michigan Chapter of the National Railway Historic Society sold out the one-time special excursion to Grayling, Michigan.
Global Family student Sojita Chambugong plays with friends during a break from class at the Baromari Mission School in Bangladesh.
City worker Alex Avila paints over graffiti at a bar on Rosemead Boulevard in Pico Rivera, California. Residents can report graffiti and other maintenance concerns to the city using the “Anytime Line.”
Naser Hermina, left, needs clean water to create ornamental plaster moldings which generate income for his family. Mennonite Central Committee helped Hermina and about 100 other families in the Cairo, Egypt neighborhood of Akhrasha to gain access to clean water.
Michael White, 20, lights a cigarette after being asked why his family flies a Confederate flag in the front yard of his home in Bay City, Michigan. White says he gets a kick out of watching others react to the Confederate flag flying above his house.
Adad Mesa Moreno studies quilts which share the history of her community of Mampuján, Colombia. The quilts are part of a project started after woman from Mampuján created a quilt that dealt with trauma healing after being forcefully displaced and threatened by a paramilitary group in 2000.
Bay City Deputy Chief Chris Rupp speaks at the Project Blue Light service at First Presbyterian Church in Bay City. The service honors the memory of law enforcement officers who gave their lives in the line of duty.
Heinrich Jr. (left) and Ben, children of Heinrich and Sara Neufeld, sit on their family buggy at home in the Swift Current Low German Colony near Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Ultra runner, Phillip Gary Smith competes in endurance snowshoe races during the winter to stay in shape. His training schedule often starts at 3am on local trails and sledding hills in his neighborhood of Edina, Minnesota.
At Guang'an New Hope Deaf Child Training Centre in Guang'an, China, Ms. J. Wang works one-on-one with students like Jiaxing, 4, helping them learn to form sounds. Wang is founder of the training center which is home to 14 students mostly between the ages of 2 and 7 who are learning to speak.
Graduation caps sail through the air as Arcadia High School students joyously mark the end of their graduation ceremony at the Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California.
Fatima Majeed Hamarash, 85, is a member of a community-based organization formed to participate in a water project in Zhalay Darband, Iraq. The water project helped ease tensions in her village.
Brianna Lentz, 7, of York, Pennsylvania, heads for the ticket booth after a heavy downpour at the York Fair.